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Share Personal Content

You can share your personal content (Agents, Knowledge Sources, Stack AI, and Quick Commands) with specific users.

Follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to the StackSpot AI Portal;

Step 2. Access the contents section you want to share, Agents, Knowledge Sources, Stack AI, or Quick Commands;

Step 3. Click on the 'Share' button. There are two options:

  • Option 1. Share with users: Add the user's email address and specify whether they can edit or view the content.

    • Can View: Users cannot change the content.
    • Can Edit: Users have full access to edit content.
  • Option 2. Publish on the Account. It works only if you have permission:

Default: This setting automatically integrates content across account responses, which helps standardize usage. Opt-in: Adds the content in a specific Workspace or the IDE.

Step 4 . Click on the 'Save' button.

You can also revoke access to the content. On the 'Share with users' tab, select the user and then click the 'Remove Access' button.

See an example:

GIF mostra o Portal StackSpot na seção Agente'. O mouse clica no botão Share (Compartilhar), seleciona um email para compartilhar o agente e, em seguida, clica no botão Salvar

How to use Shared Content

StackSpot AI Portal

Follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to the StackSpot AI Portal;

Step 2. Access the content section you want to use, such as Knowledge Sources or Quick Commands;

Step 3. In the 'Shared' tab, you can access the content shared by other people.

IDE Usage

To use shared content in the IDE, follow the steps:

Step 1. Access your IDE and click in the StackSpot AI extension;

Step 2. Before typing what you want, click on the chat box to see the options: Choose 'Shared' to see the available content for you.

GIF mostra o Portal StackSpot na seção Agente'. O mouse clica no botão Shared (Compartilhar), seleciona um email para compartilhar o agente e, em seguida, clica no botão Salvar