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Getting Started

Before you begin

This guide helps you set up your StackSpot AI account. You will be able to:

  • Create a Workspace.
  • Create a Stack AI.
  • Create Knowledge Sources.
  • After that, you can use StackSpot AI and have a better development experience.


For more information, go to the StackSpot AI page

Getting Started

Access the StackSpot AI Portal and follow the steps to add your context to the platform.

Step 1. Sign up to StackSpot

You have two options:

Option 1. Enterprise Login

If your enterprise has an account on StackSpot EDP, you can sign in using your email address. Follow the instructions:

  • Continue with your email address;
  • Log in with SSO;
  • Authorize StackSpot AI access;
  • Open your IDE.

Option 2. Sign up for a Personal account with your GitHub;

Create a Personal account. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Access the StackSpot AI Portal;
  2. Log in via GitHub to create an account and start using your Personal account;

Step 2. Create a Stack AI

Stack AI is a group of declarative technologies that give more context to the Large Language Model (LLM).

To create a Stack AI, visit the StackSpot AI Platform and follow these instructions:

  1. In the upper right menu, click on 'Create'.
  2. From the dropdown menu, choose 'Stack AI'.
  3. You will need to fill out three information tabs. Please refer to the example below for guidance:
  • Stack Information: Add your Stack name and what it is about.
  • Name: Add a name for your Stack.
  • Use Case: Describe the use case of your Stack.
  • Definition: Add more declarative details about your Stack. Add technologies, frameworks, dependencies, etc.

See an example of how to fill out the fields:

  • Programming Language: Java 17
  • Framework: SpringBoot
  • Test Framework: JUnit
  • Patterns: SOLID, Serverless
  • Observability: Dynatrace
  • Dependencies: Flywaydb 9.8.1; PostgreSQL 15.3

Click ‘Next’ and review what you added. Then click on the ‘Finish’ button.

See an example below:

Gif showing the steps mentioned above on how to create Stack AI page

Step 3. Create a Workspace

If you already have a Workspace, skip to the next step.

Creating a Workspace is a better option to get contextualized answers from StackSpot AI. You can link Stacks, Knowledge Sources, and Quick Commands to give more context to StackSpot AI and get the best responses possible.

Follow these instructions to create a Workspace:

  1. After logging in, click the ‘Create Workspace’ button. You will access the StackSpot AI Portal;
  2. On the left side menu, click ‘Workspace’;
  3. On the upper menu, click on the ‘Create’ button;

Step 4. Create a Knowledge Source

You can create three types of Knowledge Sources. You add a variety of knowledge source objects, like OpenAPI or Swaggers, to the API type, for example. These objects help StackSpot AI answer your question with better codes.

To create, access the ‘Knowledge Source’ section on the StackSpot AI Platform and click ‘Create Knowledge Source’.

Follow the instructions:

1. Choose a Knowledge Source type. This example will be an API.

Learn more about each type in the StackSpot AI key concepts section.

2. Click on the ‘Create Knowledge Source’ button, and fill out the fields:

  • Knowledge Source Information
  • Name: APIDemo
  • Description: Add a description of your Knowledge Source.

3. On ‘Knowledge Objects’:

  • Click ‘Add files’: You can add your APIs on this page. Then click ‘Save;

Files size limit to 500kb.

See an example of how to create:

Gif showing the steps mentioned above to create Knowledge Source type API

Step 5. Access StackSpot AI to test it

  • Access your IDE.
  • Login with your email address
  • Then, you can work with StackSpot AI.

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