Welcome to the StackSpot AI Cookbook. The main purpose of this section is to share examples, use cases, and how-to guides for creating different solutions using StackSpot AI.
📄️ About
Welcome to the StackSpot AI Cookbook. The main purpose of this section is to share examples, use cases, and how-to guides for creating different solutions using StackSpot AI.
🗃️ Agents
3 items
🗃️ Knowledge Sources
2 items
🗃️ Quick Commands
3 items
📄️ Unit Tests
How to write Unit Tests with StackSpot AI.
📄️ Behavior-Driven Development (BDDs)
How to create and review behavior-driven development with StackSpot AI.
📄️ Script Standardization and Automation
Examples of enhancing security through script standardization and automation with StackSpot AI.