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Custom Inputs

This feature is essential for customizing the execution process to meet your specific needs and making decisions based on real-time feedback from the command. These inputs have slugs that can be used as Jinja variables when creating the Quick Command, which works like the QC creation steps.

Add inputs

When creating your Quick Command, click on the 'Add input' box and fill out the following:

  • User question: Specify the question that the user needs to answer.

Example: What is the token of the service?

  • Slug: It should differ from any previous slug commands.

IDE: You can use this slug in the prompt or web request creation.

Example: token-question

  • This input is mandatory: This option requires the user to provide a response for the Quick Command to be executed.

The user can skip the question if you don't mark this option.

GIF mostra o Portal StackSpot na seção Quick Command. O mouse clica no botão Add input, e aparece um modal com os campos Pergunta do usuário e slug.


To use the custom inputs feature, you must provide specific information at the beginning of a Quick Command execution.


When you are executing a Quick Command in the IDE, and it has custom inputs, it will ask some questions.

You must provide some information to execute the Quick Command ´QC-name´. Some may be mandatory, and others optional. Let's get started.

If it is mandatory, you must answer them. If not, press the skip button.