Create Stack AI
Stack AI is a group of declarative technologies that give more context to the Large Language Model (LLM).
Follow the steps below:
Step 1. Access the StackSpot AI Portal
Step 2. On the left-side menu, click ‘Stack AI’
Step 3. You need to fill out three information tabs. See the example below
1. Stack Information: Add your Stack name and what it is about.
Name: Add a name for your Stack.
Use Case: Describe the use case of your Stack AI.
Definition: Add more declarative details about your Stack. Add technologies, frameworks, dependencies, etc.
2. Definition: Fill out the fields by adding specific information about your Stack. See an example:
Programming Language: Java 17
Framework: SpringBoot
Test Framework: JUnit
Patterns: SOLID, Serverless
Observability: Dynatrace
Dependencies: Flywaydb 9.8.1; PostgreSQL 15.3
- 3. Cloud Attributes: This section is to add your Cloud Account details. You should add the providers and the modules to your cloud. See an example:
Providers: Choose your provider: AWS, GCP, or Azure.
Modules: Add the modules like S3; DynamoDB, SCS, ECS, etc.
See the example:
Click 'Next' and Review what you added. Then click on the 'Finish' button.
Delete a Stack AI
If you want to delete a Stack AI, follow the instructions:
- On the StackSpot AI Platform, go to your Stack AI;
- Click on the 'Settings' section;
- At the end of the page, you will find a Delete Stack AI section. Click 'Delete'.
This process is irreversible.